World Green Building Week 2014 – Look West, is North America leading the way?

For World Green Building Week 2014, Elementa organised a breakfast seminar titled “Look West, is North America leading the way?” led by our Head of Integrated Design Ed Garrod and supported by Kevin Goldsmith, Head of Sustainability at Pringle Brandon Perkins + Will.

The seminar introduced a number of initiatives coming out of North America including the Living Building Challenge, EcoDistricts, Net Zero Energy Buildings and the WELL Building Standard. Integral Group, of which Elementa is a member, are pioneering the application of these ideas in North America, with a number of projects targeting and certified under these standards (take a look at their projects at

The key question is: how can we transfer the best of these innovations to the UK?

To help make this happen the first step is to share knowledge widely – so below you’ll find links to key resources covered in the seminar which we hope you’ll have time to explore and forward to colleagues.

Living Future – home of Living Building Challenge and Net Zero –
Ecodistricts Initiative – sustainable cities from the neighbourhood up –
Transparency – a sustainable materials resource –
Roadmap to the Integrated Design Process – what it is and a guide to implementing it in your projects-
Palette 2030 – collaborative design resource –
Architecture 2030 –
US Green Building Council Health Initiatives –
International Well Building Institute – home of WELL Building Standard –

The presentation, complete with speakers’ notes can be downloaded here:

Please download the file and then open in Adobe Acrobat rather than through the dropbox previewer to ensure you can see all the images and speakers’ notes

Date(s): October 27, 2014
