University of California, Santa Cruz | Climate + Energy Strategy

Santa Cruz

University of California, Santa Cruz Climate and Energy Strategy (CES) system is striving for operational carbon neutrality by 2025, and as a part of this, UC Santa Cruz pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality for both Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. To achieve this, UC Santa Cruz has developed the CES to evaluate building energy efficiency, on-site renewable energy, biogas procurement, and purchased offsets.

Integral Group served as the prime consultant for the CES study. With our combined energy consulting and technical engineering services, we helped produce an energy plan for the campus that incorporates energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Specifically, we conducted building coordinator surveys, attended site visits, and performed building- and district-systems energy audits to identify more than 300 energy-saving measures for the campus. These audits included both technical and economic analyses. The economic analysis considered both construction and lifecycle costs and included strategy updates for changing market conditions.

The success of this project has allowed UC Santa Cruz to stand as a leader in the fight against climate change.

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